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lightning strikes

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Q: What does Florida have more of than any other state?
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Which other US state has more lightning than Illinois?

Florida has more lightning strikes than any other state.

What state has more hotel rooms than any other state?

My guess would be Florida...

Why is Florida important to the US?

its not more or less important than any other state

What is the Cost of Living Increase in Florida for 2008?

The cost of living in Florida has increase more than any other state in the United States. In 2008 the state began to reflect the increases of gas, food, and housing. The state of Florida, as of 2014, has the lowest state taxes than any other state.

What state has most palm trees?

The state of Florida currently has more palm trees than any other state in the US.

Why does Florida have more underground water than any other state?

Because It's peninsula

Why does more lightning strike Florida than any other state?

It's close to the equator and water.

What kind of lejislature does the state of Florida?

The state of Florida has a bicameral state legislature with a Senate of no more than 40 members and a House of Representatives of no more than 120 members.

What is considered a felony in the state of Florida?

Any criminal offense that has a penalty set by law/statute of a fine of more than $1,000. and/or confinement in the state prison system for a period of more than 1 year.

How many state are bigger than Florida?

Florida is 48469 more square miles then Hawaii.

What state has the most ocean coastline?

Alaska and it has 6,640 miles of it. More than any other state

What city and state in the US experiences more thunderstorm days than any other?

MY guess will be Tampa / St. Petersburg Florida