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Israel is a well-developed modern country with the diversified economy and it does not need any foreign aid- and no country gives it to her.

However, after the victorious for Israel war of 1973 ( Yom Kippur war) between Egypt and Israel, USA in pursue of its geopolitical goals of pushing the Soviet Union out of the Middle East pushed Israel to sign a peace agreement with Egypt and give them the Sinai back. United States were the peace broker and and the guarantee of the peace, and in this quality they obliged to provide the military aid to both countries. This military aid consists in the grants USA gives to Egypt and Israel for purchase of the US weapons and military equipment. Israel gets about $3 bln a year and Egypt gets $2.7 bln a year in grants that can be spent only and exclusively on buying the weapons produced by American companies and that keeps about 80 thousand American workers and engineers busy, so it´s difficult to say, who gains more from this deal: Egypt, Israel- or the USA but looks that it´s very important for the USA to go on with this practice, because Israel has on numerous occasions asked the USA to if not stop completely than at least reduce the amount of weapons it has to buy in the USA, explaining that Israel, the third-world arms exporter, just does not need so much American weapons and can very well do without American rifles, tanks, electronics and other military equipment, but each time USA said "no".

One thing must be very clear: USA gives this money because they signed the obligation to do it, and they signed this obligation on their own free will, trying to achieve their geopolitical goals.

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