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artisans and scribes belonged to the upper middle-class in ancient Egypt.

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Q: What class did artisans and scribes belong to in ancient Egypt?
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What are the roles of a artisian in ancient Egypt?

artisans were tomb painters, potters, scribes, and stuff like that.

What level in society did the scribes in ancient Egypt belong to?


What were the jobs ancient Egypt had?

scribes, artisans, artists, architects, merchants, traders, soldiers, farmers and other peasants.

Was all man equal in ancient Egypt?

There were different classes of people in ancient Egypt. At the top of the pyramid was the ruler of the city-state, under that was the government people working for them, under that was the scribes, under that was the artisans, and under that was the farmers. So it goes: Rulers Government officials Scribes Artisans Farmers Sixth grade social studies. :)

What relations did scribes in ancient Egypt have with their pharaohs in ancient Egypt?

There were things called Royal Scribes that were the pharoah's personal scribe (if they were the top royal scribe;there were many). But there were also many scribes that had nothing to do with the government of Ancient Egypt.

What were the people in Egypt's middle class?

They were the Traders, Artisans, Shopkeepers, and Scribes

Who did the writing in ancient Egypt?

The scribes in ancient Egypt did all the writing.

What do artisans do(ancient Egypt)?


What kind of society is ancient Egypt?

Egyptian social structure: -Pharaoh -Government officials- nobles, priests -Soldiers -Scribes -Merchants -Artisans -Farmers -Slaves and Servants

What employed the most people in ancient Egypt?

The Scribes were the most respected jobs, then followed Artisans, Artists, Architects, Soldiers, Farmers And Or other Peasants, then followed by Slaves.

Who did ancient Egypt artisans work for?

the pharaoh

What job employed the most people ancient Egypt?

The Scribes were the most respected jobs, then followed Artisans, Artists, Architects, Soldiers, Farmers And Or other Peasants, then followed by Slaves.