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aubrey shivers

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Q: What are two ways the byzantine empire used the location of Constantinople to its advantage?
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What was the capital of byzantine empire?

The Capital of the Byzantine Empire was originally called Byzantium before being renamed as Constantinople (which was its name during its control by the Byzantine Empire) and renamed by Ottomans as Istanbul afterwards. Constantinople was the capital of the Byzantine empire

What city was the capital of Byzantine Empire?


What was the Byzantine capitol?

The Capital of The Byzantine Empire was Constantinople.

The largest and richest city in byzantine empire was what?


What is present day location of the byzantine empire?

turkey The Byzantine Empire's capital city was Constantinople, a city which still exists but which is now named Istanbul, and which is part of the nation of Turkey.

Why did the capture of Constantinople by the Ottomans mark the end of the byzantine empire when Constantinople was captured by Venice before during the Fourth Crusade?

The Byzantine Empire did not recover from the fall of Constantinople to the Turks because the Turks were a strong local power which captured all of the remaining byzantine territory. Whereas the 4th Crusaders were few in number after they divided up the empire and they only captured part of the Byzantine Empire, the remainder of the Empire split into independent Byzantine powers, one of which the Empire of Nicaea eventually recaptured Constantinople and restored the Byzantine Empire.

What is the capital of the byzsantine empire?

the capital of the Byzantine Empire was Constantinople.

The Capital of the ancient Byzantine Empire was?


Where is the Byzantine Empire during the Crusade?

The Byzantine empire was where the eastern empire of Rome used to be, with its capital being Constantinople.

The richest city in europe in the 12th century capital of the Byzantine Empire?

Constantinople was the largest and wealthiest city in the world.

Was Constantinople the capital of the whole Roman Empire or was it just the capital of the Eastern Empire which is the Byzantine Empire?

Constantinople was the capital of the Byzantine/Eastern Empire. It wasn't the capital of the whole empire, but it was a major city for sure.

The byzantine empire ended when it was overrun by?

The Byzantine Empire fell when the capital city of Constantinople, now Istanbul, was captured by the Turks in 1453. The Turks took Constantinople as their new capital, and the territories of the Byzantine Empire then became part of the Ottoman Empire.