There are a lot more than three.
Australia is home to seven of the worlds ten deadliest snakes. The top 3 are the Taipan, the Death Adder and the King Brown (or Mulga snake). These are known by some as "3 minute snakes" because that is supposedly how long it takes for the venom to kill.
There are two Australian Spiders capable of delivering fatal bites, being the Funnel Web and the Red Back.
The Blue Ringed Octopus has a lethal venom and there is no known antidote.
The venomous beastie that is responsible for most deaths in Australia is the European Wasp, averaging ten fatalities per year nationally.
No. Non-poisonous sea creatures greatly outnumber poisonous ones.
Yes, they are poisonous creatures.
Spiders are venomous creatures, not poisonous. They use venom to immobilize their prey, while poison is harmful if ingested or touched.
Spiders are venomous creatures, not poisonous. Their venom is used to immobilize or kill their prey, while poison is harmful if ingested or touched.
Inland Taipan
If I had more time, I could research every mythical creature known to man, but as I don't, these are the three that keep popping up: the haunt, the hydra and dragons.
Not all but some are poisonus to some living creatures. They are not toxic to humans.
Shefflera is one of many plants which is poisonous to dogs and other creatures. See link below for more information.
None.The term "poisonous" refers to a substance that is ingested, usually by drinking or eating.However, there are numerous venomous creatures in Australia. They include:the male platypus, which delivers its venom via a spur in its anklevarious snakes such as the Inland Taipan, Coastal Taipan, Tiger Snake, Brown snake and Red-bellied black snakeSpiders such as the Sydney Funnel web spider and the Redback spiderMarine creatures such as the Blue-ringed octopus, Box jellyfish, Stonefish and Irukandji
The 10 most poisonous creatures are: 1- Box Jellyfish 2- King Cobra 3- Marbled Cone Snail4- Blue-Ringed Octopus 5- Death Stalker Scorpion 6- Stonefish 7- The Brazilian wandering spider 8- Inland Taipan 9- Poison Dart Frog 10- Puffer Fish
The name of a poisonous snake with three letters is the adder.
There is an immense amount of poisonous creatures, but a single number of species cannot be confirmed. For people are still investigating and discovering things by the second and with those findings we civilians continue to learn. Take this into consideration the next time you have a question for Wiki Answers.