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Zeus had many names, each defining one of his roles. They were:

Zeus Olympios: showed his kingship of the gods and emphasized his presence at the festival of Olympia

Zeus Panhellenios: Zeus as the ruler of all Greeks

Zeus Hospites: As the patron of hospitality and avenger of wrongs done to strangers

Zeus Horkios: as the keeper of oaths and promises.

Zeus Agoraeus: as the patron of the agora and punisher of dishonest traders

Zeus Aegiochis: as bearer of the Aegis shield, which strikes terror into the heart of his enemies.

Zeus Meilichios: as victor over the chthonic monster Meilichios

Zeus Tallaios: as worshiped in Crete

Zeus Labrandos: as worshiped at Caria, depicted with a double-edged axe

Zeus Naos: as worshiped at Dodona, the oldest oracle site

Kasios: as worshiped at Mt. Kasios in Syria

Ithomatas: as worshiped at Mt. Ithomi in Messenia

Astrapios: as the bringer of lightning

Brontios: as the bringer of thunder

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13y ago

These are Zeus's children... I think. Athena, Apollo and Artemis, Hermes, Persephone (by Demeter), Dionysus, Perseus, Heracles, Helen, Minos, and the Muses , he is usually said to have fathered Ares, Hebe and Hephaestus.

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12y ago

Parents: Cronus and Rhea

Siblings: Posieden, Hades, Demeter, Hera, Hestia

Spouse: Hera

Kids: Ares, Athena, Apollo


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Zeus had far, FAR more than seven children.

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12y ago

With Hera: Ares, Hebe, Enyo, Hephaestus, Eilethyia.

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