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Any excuse to celebrate will do in Puerto Rico which observes all Federal holidays and adds Official holidays like Three Kings Day, Birthday of Eugino Maria de Hostos, Birthdaay of Luis Munoz Marin, Birthday of Jose de Diego, Birthday of Don Luis Munoz Rivera, Birthday of Dr. Jose Celso Barbosa, Emancipation Day, Constitution Day and the Discovery of Puerto Rico to the calendar. Add any number of local Saints Days and expect Carnival to be a full week of partying. Big business may be justified in not liking Puerto Rico.

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8y ago

They enjoy all US Federal Holidays and have about 17 Official Puerto Rican Holidays plus the unofficial week of Carnival.
the majorholidays in puerto rico is christmas
All US Federal holidays plus 17 local holidays.
Puerto Rico celebrates both US holidays and Puerto Rican holidays. There are at least 21 days listed as holidays which include

* New Years Day

* Three Kings Day

* Eugenio Maria de Hostos birthday

* Martin Luther King Jr. birthday

* President's Day

* Luis Munoz Marin's birthday

* Emancipation Day

* Good Friday

* Jose de Diego's birthday

* US Independence Day

* Luis Munoz Rivera's birthday

* Commonwealth Constitution Day

* Dr. Jose Celso Barbosa's birthday

* Labor Day

* Columbus Day

* Veteran's Day

* Discovery of Puerto Rico

* Thanksgiving

* Christmas Eve

* Christmas

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14y ago

there are many puerto rican holidays but the most important holidays are three kings day,the day people discovered puerto rico,and importants peoples birthdays.

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the most important holidays in puerto rico are...................................... =P

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Christmas and Carnival.

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See attached link below

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The most expensive hotel in Puerto Rico is in San Juan.

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Is postage different if mailing to Puerto Rico?

No, the postage system is the same in Puerto Rico as it is in any of the States.