If you are meaning 5 animals that are not found in Australia in the wild thenLionTigerElephantGiraffePolar Bear
Tasmanian devil and tiger snake are animals found in Australia.
Most of Germany's native animals are not found in Australia. Alpine ibex, badgers, chamois, hamsters, hedgehogs, marmots, shrews, raccoons, squirrels, martens and the dormouse are not found anywhere in Australia.
explain why similar plants and animals found in the continents of africa , south america,australia and india
Xenosaurus is a lizard found in Australia. It begins with the letter x.
Snakes, lizards, and several species of insects can be found in both China and Australia.
Most often in Australia. Some are found in various zoos around the world.
Armadillos are strictly animals of the Americas and do not occur in Australia.
Dozens of excellent photographs of Australian native animals can be found at the related links below.
Kangaroos (over 60 species) are found only in Australia and New Guinea (tree kangaroos only), while dingoes are found exclusively in Australia.Other animals which are 'special' to Australia inlcude:koalawombatpossum (not opossum)gliderpotoroobandicoot, including the bilbyquokkaquollTasmanian Devilphascogaledunnartcuscusbettongnabarleknumbatantechinusnative hopping mouse
Native animals, as they only live in Australia and nowhere else in the world, so therefore they are native to Australia, e.g. Kiwis (as in the bird) only live in New Zealand because of what the habitat in New Zealand offers kiwis, this means that kiwis are a native New Zealand animal, and are not found anywhere else in the world in a habitat (not in a zoo).