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I think there

1)Destructive (convergent)




the brackets are the same words

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Q: What are the Names of the 4 plate boundaries?
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What are the 4 plates in plate boundaries?

The four types of plate boundaries are divergent boundaries (plates move apart), convergent boundaries (plates move towards each other), transform boundaries (plates slide past each other), and subduction boundaries (one plate is forced beneath another plate).

What are three types of plate bounderys?

the three types of plate boundaries are : -convergent plate boundaries -divergent plate boundaries -transformed plate boundaries

What are three types of bounderies?

the three types of plate boundaries are : -convergent plate boundaries -divergent plate boundaries -transformed plate boundaries

What is the where 2 tectonic plates meet called?

a plate boundary there are constructive plate boundaries, destructive plate boundaries, conservative plate boundaries and collision plate boundaries

What are the four plate boundaries?

The four types of plate boundaries are divergent boundaries (plates moving apart), convergent boundaries (plates moving together), transform boundaries (plates sliding past each other), and subduction zones (one plate sinking beneath another).

What are the tree types of plate boundaries?

Plate boundaries are places where two tectonic plates meet. There are three major types of plate boundaries. These are divergent, convergent, and transform plate boundaries.

What type of plate boundary does compression occur?

Converging Plate Boundaries

What are the three types plate boundaries?

Three types of plate boundaries are spreading boundaries, colliding boundaries, and sliding boundaries. um actually they are divergent, convergent, and transform

What type of plate boundarries found in andesitic valcano?

Plate boundaries are not found in volcanoes.Volcanoes occur along plate boundaries usually along convergent boundaries

Do most severe earthquakes occur at plate boundaries or in the middle of plates?

Plate Boundaries

Can one plate have several types of plate boundaries?

All of the tectonic plates have different types of plate boundaries, most having all three types of plate boundaries. Convergent, where the plate is subducting under another plate, divergent, where the plate is pulling away from another plate, and transform boundaries where the plates are sliding past each other.

Are there maps of plate boundaries for mt st Helen's?

Yeah there are maps for the Mt St Helens plate boundaries. Type into google Juan de Fuca plate boundaries It is a destructive plate boundary