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Their 'English' names are actually their Greek names. The first name listed is Greek, the second is Roman.

  1. Zeus- Jupiter
  2. Hera- Juno
  3. Hestia- Vesta
  4. Hephaestus- Vulcan
  5. Hermes- Mercury
  6. Aphrodite- Venus
  7. Hades- Pluto
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14y ago
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13y ago

There are many, many gods and goddesses in Roman mythology. Here are just the main ones with their Greek equivalents.

Greek Roman

Zeus Jupiter

Hera Juno

Poseidon Neptune

Ares Mars

Hades Pluto

Aphrodite Venus

Athena Minerva

Hephaestus Vulcan

Apollo Apollo

Artemis Diana

Hermes Mercury

Demeter Ceres

Hestia Vesta

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13y ago

Hades- God of the Underworld (death) Roman name- Pluto

Poseidon- God of the Oceans Roman name- Neptune

Ares- God of War Roman name- Mars

Hermes- Messenger of the Gods Roman name- Mercury

Apollo- God of the Sun Roman name- Apollo

Zeus- King of the Gods Roman name- Jupiter

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12y ago

There are more than 8. Generally we consider 12 to be Olympians, with some spill over for those who choose to play other roles. The 12 Olympians are:













Not living on Olympus are:

Pluto (Dis Pater)

Vesta (who gave her seat to Bacchus)

Also important to the Romans, but not considered Olympians are:


the Lares and Penates (household gods)

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