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He stole his Brothers (Apollo) cattle at infant age.

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Q: What are some things that Hermes the Greek God Stole?
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What are some things named after Hermes?

Hermes cologne

What are some gods that are similar to Anubis?

The Roman Mercury, the Greek Hermes.

What are some of the myths related to Hermes?

Probably because Hermes is in a lot of the myths. He is a greek god, so there were myths written about him.

What were some character traits of Hermes?

Hermes is a messenger of the greek gods. he is really fast. He is also a trickster and is extremely arrogant

Who married Hermes the greek god?

Unmarried, or according to some, married to Peitho.

What are some weaknesses found in the Greek god Hermes?

He's a thief. Or the god of thieves.

What are some companies named after greek gods?

a major one is Nike. actually, nike was the roman name for Hermes, the greek messenger god. but, nike didn't have wings like hermes, he was just very fast.

How do you write myths about Apollo Greek god?

I'll give you some things you may want to know about Apollo before you write a myth: Hermes and He are best buds, (they used to be enemies due to Hermes pulling a prank on him when Hermes was a baby, but they are now friends because Hermes gave him a lyre instrument) Apollo is the father of his deceased son, Paetheon, and is the god of the sun. Writing Greek Myths means you should include a lot of Greek culture, like dracmas (ancient Greek Money) and greek architecture (like the trireme or the parthenon). I hope you consider the wise words of this twelve year old who is insanly obsessed with Sonic the Hedgehog, Pokemon, and Avengers. (: (: (: (: (: (:

What weapons did Hermes use?

According to some of the ancient Greek hymns which refer to Hermes in battle, they tell of his golden dagger. You can read more about this in "Hermes the Olympian" a story available on Hermes used his wits far more than any weapon.

Where did Hermes get his caduceus?

Hermes stole Apollo's cattle when he was five minutes old, and when Apollo found out, he was upset. Hermes had made the first lyre (stringed instrument similar to a harp) and Apollo wanted it. Some versions say Apollo traded the cattle for the lyre, so Hermes made a flute, a panflute. Apollo also liked the panflute and traded this staff, The Herald's staff of Caduceus, and in return Hermes gave him the panflute.

What is Hermes weaknesses?

Hermes can not stay still for too long. When he was only two days old, he stole some of Apollo's cattle, and swept away the foot prints. He only got caught when one of the other gods heard music from the cave where Hermes and his mother were. When Apollo found two cow skins, Hermes said he was sacrificing them to the gods. He also had made an instrament out of some of the parts of the cow. Apollo was very fond of music so Hermes and Apollo created the first band (sort of).

Who are Hermes children?

Pan, Hermaphroditus, Tyche, Abderus, Autolycus. It is also rumoured that Hermes, not Ares, was the father of Eros.