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and here are the other greek gods

1 Zeus

2 hera

3 poseidon

4 hades

5 dionysus

6 Demeter

7 ares

8 aphrodite

9 hestia

10 Artemis

11 Apollo

12 Athena

13 hephaestus

14 Hermes

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13y ago
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15y ago

The candy company Mars is named after the Greek God of War, Ares, whos Roman name was Mars. The car company Mecury is named after the God of Messengers, Hermes, who's Roman name is Mercury. This is linked because Hermes was the fastest of the gods and Mercury was supposeivly the fastest of the cars. It is to my knowledge that they also have Hermes Handbags for quick on the go action.

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15y ago

Mercury cars, Nike shoes, Mars candy, and many more if you want to see more Google greek mytology in modern day buisness and click on the link with all caps

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14y ago

Nike (the sneaker) is the goddess of victory. There are many more...

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13y ago

There are plenty of these, from "Kronos" a card-swiping check in for workers to "Helios" a air tank for oxygen.

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13y ago

there is a shoe called Nike after the greek goddess of victory

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15y ago

Nike was the goddess of victory

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The 'Nike' company.

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It's impossible for a mortal to become a God

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The planet Mercury is named for the Greek messenger of the Gods and Goddesses.

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There are twelve main gods and goddesses(the Olympians), but there are lots of other minor gods and goddesses in Greek mythology.

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no they had special powers

Who were the Greek gods and goddesses?

Here are some of the Greek gods and goddesses (feel free to add to this list):ZeusPoseidonHadesHeraAthenaHestiaArtemisAresHermesKronosDemeterPersephoneAphrodite

How do i know you are related to greek gods or goddesses?

No one in the modern world is related to the Greek gods and goddesses; they are mythology.

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With the Greek goddesses and gods.