

Best Answer

The Baltic states or Baltic nations or Baltic countries or simply the Baltics.

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Q: What are Estonia Latvia and Lithuania better known as?
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Which three countries make up the baltic republics?

Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. Good thing I had my social studies textbook nearby... =)The Baltic states (also known as the Baltics, Baltic nations or Baltic countries) are those countries east of the Baltic Sea that gained independence from the Russian Empire in the wake of World War I. Today, this means the countries of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, but, in the period between the World Wars, it also included Finland.

What three new nations were known as the Baltic States?

Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia

What are the Baltic states?

Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania are the countries in the European Union which border the Baltic Sea. These three countries are the Baltic States.

What country is the Baltic Sea located in?

The Baltic sea is in Northern Europe. It is bordered by many countries: Denmark Sweden Finland Russia Estonia Latvia Lithuania Poland Germany * Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia are collectively known as the Baltic States.

What countries border Latvia?

There are four countries that are borderingLatvia. The four countries are Estonia, Russia, Lithuania, and Belarus. The capital of Estonia is Tallinn. The capital of Russia is Moscow. The capital of Lithuania is Vilnius. The capital of Belarus is Minsk.

What for nations on the eastern side of the baltic sea were once part of russia?

Finland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. The last three are collectively known as the Baltic States. (Poland, farther west, has also been occupied or controlled by Russia in the past. Belarus, farther east, was the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic in the USSR.)

Which countries are known as the Baltic nations?

The Baltic nations refer to Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. These countries are located in Northern Europe and have coastlines along the Baltic Sea. They are known for their rich history, culture, and strong connections with each other.

What countries are known as the Baltic nations.?

There are three countries in the region known as the Baltic States. They are Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. However, the Baltic Sea borders many more countries, such as Finland, Russia, Sweden and Poland.

Is Riga in Russia?

Eastern Europe Republic of Latvia is a North European Baltic country in the European Union. It is bordered to the north by Estonia (343 km), to the south by Lithuania (588 km), and to the east both by Belarus (141 km) and the Russian Federation (276 km). The territory of Latvia covers 64,589 km² and has a temperate seasonal climate. Latvia, also known as the Republic of Latvia, is found in Europe or more specifically Northern Europe. Latvia is found on the coast of the Baltic Sea and surrounded by Lithuania and Estonia.

When did Czech republic join Europe?

In 2004, along with 9 other countries (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Malta, Cyprus)

What order did the soviet countries join the soviet un in ion?

The Soviet countries all joined the Soviet Union between the years 1920 and 1940. The order by year in which they joined is: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Belarus, Ukraine, Russia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia. They were all then known as Soviet Socialist Republics.

What is Latvia and Lithuania considered?

There could be many answers to that. Here are some of them: They are countries. They are known as Baltic states as they border the Baltic Sea. They are members of the European Union. They are former members of the USSR.