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Animals which are native to Western Australia include:

  • numbat
  • quokka
  • chuditch
  • Shark bay mouse
  • dibbler
  • Western quoll
  • Ningbing False antechinus
  • Fat-tailed False antechinus

It should be noted that neither the koala nor the platypus is found naturally occurring in Western Australia.

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Q: What animals are native to Western Australia?
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What is the native plant of Western Australia?

The native floral emblem of Western Australia is the Red and green kangaroo paw.

Is paw paw native to Australia?

Yes, the kangaroo paw is native to Australia, and found naturally only in the southwest of Western Australia. The red and green kangaroo paw is the state floral emblem for Western Australia.

Do koalas live in the bush in Western Australia?

No. Koalas are not native to Western Australia. They are restricted to the native eucalyptus bushland in the eastern half of Australia, excluding Tasmania. Having said that, however, they have been introduced to small pockets of land in Western Australia, but they are not recognised as being a Western Australia species.

Is a kangaroo native to australia?

Yes, the kangaroo paw is native to Australia, and found naturally only in the southwest of Western Australia. The red and green kangaroo paw is the state floral emblem for Western Australia.

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There are no Earthworms native to Western Australia. However, the Giant Gippsland Earthworm is native to Victoria, Australia. Australia has some 1,000 native species of earthworm so it is relatively impossible where most of them were originally native too.Correction:An estimated 90% of the earthworm species in the Kimberley region of Western Australia are endemic to this region alone, particuarly within the small patches of rainforest.

Are hoofed animals such as deer and cattle native to Australia?

No. These animals have been introduced to Australia.

The koala is not native to two Australian states what are they?

Koalas are not native to either Tasmania or Western Australia. They are also not native to the Northern Territory, which is not a state. They have been introduced to Western Australia, where they live in small colonies.

Is the platypus one of the native animal of Australia?

Yes. The platypus is certainly one of Australia's native animals.

What are native animals in Melbourne Australia?

they are kangaroos

What two native states in Australia do koalas NOT live in?

Koalas are not found in Tasmania, and they are not native to Western Australia.Small colonies have been introduced into Western Australia, and these are doing quite well.

What animals originate from Australia?

Australia is a continent that is home to a large number of animals. Some of the native animals are Wombats and Kangaroos.

What animals are indigenous to the western part of Australia?

There are many species native to Western Australia, including kangaroos, koalas, wombats, quokkas, kookaburras, and reptiles. There are also flies, spiders, cattle, and birds of prey. Off the Western Australian coast, you'll find dolphins, whale sharks, and dugongs.