yes its this city called peterborough it is very nice and fresh here.
El Paso.
Las Vegas.
The lowest humidity level is 0%, which indicates completely dry air with no moisture present.
October to December generally has the lowest humidity levels in Hong Kong, with the highest levels occurring from July to September.
Death valley
Desert biomes typically have the lowest humidity levels compared to other biomes. The dry conditions in deserts result in low levels of precipitation and moisture in the air, leading to arid environments with low humidity.
The countries with the lowest population are Vatican City and Tuvalu. Additionally, the territory with the lowest population is the Pitcairn Islands, a UK overseas territory in the Pacific Ocean.
Arizona typically has the lowest humidity levels in the United States due to its predominantly arid climate. Areas such as Phoenix and Tucson have very low humidity levels, especially during the summer months.
Relative humidity is typically lowest during the warmest part of the day, usually in the early to mid-afternoon. This is because warmer air can hold more moisture, leading to a decrease in relative humidity as temperatures rise.
Jericho is the worlds lowest city but if u are looking for the usa is lowest city it is death valley
Las Vegas, Nevada is known for having one of the lowest humidity levels in the United States. Its arid desert climate results in very low levels of humidity throughout the year.