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Borneo is bigger than Madagascar

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Q: What Is bigger Borneo or Madagascar?
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Is Madagascar the largest island in the world?

Yes it is the 4th largest island in the world

Madagascar new guinea baffin island borneo and Greenland name them in order?

These are the five largest island's in the world. In order they are Greenland, New Guinnea, Borneo, Madagascar, and Baffin Island.

What are the four largest islands of the world?

The four largest islands in the world are Greenland, New Guinea, Borneo, and Madagascar. Greenland is the largest island followed by New Guinea, Borneo, and Madagascar.

Is borneo bigger than Greenland?

No, Greenland is more bigger

Which is bigger the UK or Madagascar?

Madagascar is much bigger than the United Kingdom.

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Is Madagascar bigger or smaller than the cuba?

Madagascar is bigger....UK is about 84000 sqmiles Madagascar is about 240000 sqmiles

What is a typical home in Madagascar?

The homes in Madagascar are unique in Africa and bear a strong resemblance to the construction in Southern Borneo. Traditional houses in Madagascar are build on piles and their is a tradition of house horns that can be seen in the southeastern communities.

What are the 4 largest islands in the world?

1.Greenland 2.New Guinea 3.Borneo 4.Madagascar

Which are the four largest islands in the world?

1. Greenland 2. New Guineau 3. Borneo 4. Madagascar

What area was not an area of Jewish settlement?

Madagascar, Borneo, and Pitcairn Island were never centers of substantial Jewish settlement.

What is bigger Madagascar or Indonesia?

Indonesia is bigger than Madagascar. Indonesia is the 14th largest country in the world by land area, while Madagascar is the 46th largest country.