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The Golden Calf resembled the god Apis.

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Q: What Egyptian god did the golden Calf resemble?
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Why did Israel make the golden calf?

Israel built the golden calf because they didn't think god was real so instead they made a new god

What did the israelites do while moses was on the mount?

The events of the Golden Calf transpired:

What did the calf mean to Aaron and Israel?

In the ancient Near East, the moon god was frequently represented by a bull with crescent horns or by a golden calf. So, the calf was used to worship the moon god.

What is the symbol for the Egyptian sun god?

A golden solar disk.

Did Mose confess to the making of the golden calf to god?

Moses was on Mt. Sinai getting the Ten Commandments from God, when the Golden Calf was made at the base of the mountain by the recently freed people who got scared when they were left alone. It was Aaron, his brother the High Priest, that confessed to making the calf, and he said he did it because the people forced him to make it.

Which ancient Semitic fertility god was represented by a golden calf?

The ancient Semitic fertility god represented by a golden calf is likely Baal. Baal was a major deity in ancient Canaanite and Phoenician religion, associated with fertility and storms. The worship of the golden calf may have been a manifestation of this deity.

What did Moses do after God gave him the commandments?

He got angry as the people were worshiping a golden calf, and broke the first commandment.

Did the Egyptians worship the golden calf back in the days of Moses?

Yes, the rebellious Israelites followed the idolatrous Golden Calf worship of the Egyptians. 2nd answer: The Egyptians worshipped RA, the sun god, among others. It was the tribe of Benjamin who set up the golden calf during Moses' absence (after they left Egypt) and later incurred his righteous wrath.

What did Moses do when the Isrealites created the Golden Calf?

Moses had the Golden Calf destroyed, ground up and mixed with a drink. He then ordered people to drink it; those who were guilty of worshiping the Calf then died. Notably, the Bible mentions a similar test for women accused of adultery, with the piece of the Calf replaced by scraps of paper on which priests had written God's most sacred name. The relationship between God and His people is symbolically represented by marriage, making idolatry a spiritual adultery.

Did aaron see God with Moses on the mountiain?

No Moses was on the mountain alone , as Aaron was with the Isrealites when they built the ill famous golden calf.

What is the archetype of the golden calf in the Bible?

The golden calf was long associated with the moon god. The worship of the moon god, Sin, goes back to at least the third dynasty of Ur (c 2060 - 1950), where the god was honoured the the form of a golden calf with crescent-shaped horns and a long flowing beard of lapis lazuli. C. L. Woolley (Ur Excavations: The Royal Cemetery) found several of the images in his excavations of the royal graves at Ur, a Mesopotamian city which had legendary links with Israel from the time of Abraham. A Sumero-Akkadian hymn to that god says, "Ferocious bull, whose horn is thick, whose legs are perfected, who is bearded in lapsis, and filled with luxury and abundance." The moon god symbolised fertility, both by the moon's influence on the menstrual cycle and the fertility of the bull. The calf's crescent horns also represented the moon.When the Books of Exodus and Kings talk of the Israelites worshipping a golden calf, they were references to the worship of the moon god.

Why is Moses important to judisam?

Moses is very important to the Jews as he was chosen by god to lead the people out of Egypt and slavery, he spoke to god and pleaded for mercy when they built the golden calf. he also brought down the ten commandments from Sinai . he did it twice as he broke the firt two tablets in anger, when he saw the golden calf. the first five books in the bible are all by Moses.