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The current British overseas territories:

- Anguilla

- British Virgin Islands

- Cayman Islands

- Montserrat

- Turks and Caicos Islands

Those that were previously part of the UK but became independent nations of the Commonwealth:

- Antigua and Barbuda (1981)

- Bahamas (1973)

- Dominica (1978)

- Grenada (1974)

- Jamaica (1962)

- Saint Lucia (1979)

- St. Kitts and Nevis (1983)

- St. Vincent and the Grenadines (1979)

- Trinidad and Tobago (republic 1976)

*Also the Latin American countries of

Belize (Central America) formerly British Honduras

Guyana (South America) formerly British Guiana

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Q: What Caribbean islands were colonies ruled by the british?
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Who ruled many of the Caribbean islands until recently?

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Strip shows cuz people back then liked naked women.

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=Great Britain almost entirely ruled the colonies in the 1700s.=

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Because they were ruled by the British. Dependent colonies are where a few European officials ruled non-European people.

Who ruled the seven royal colonies?

the British, parliament and the king and queen usual. By the way there were 8 colonies not 7