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yes, check out the following scary story, which all residents of the north shore should be aware of.

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What is between Staten Island and Manhattan?

Upper New York Bay is between Staten Island and Lower Manhattan.

Why are there 5 boroughs in new york?

Yes there is. Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens and Staten Island are the five.

How much does the Staten Island ferry cost?

No, the Staten Island Ferry is free (there is no fare for passengers) both ways, from Manhattan to Staten Island and from Staten Island to Manhattan. The Staten Island Ferry has been free since 1997.

What is the distance between Staten Island and Long Island?

Staten Island is part of New York City. It's one of the five boroughs of New York City: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx and Staten Island.Assuming you were asking for the distance between the borough of Staten Island and the borough of Manhattan, it's about 5 miles (8 km) from the tip of Lower Manhattan to Staten Island.

What are the 5 borouh?

Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, The Bronx

What are the burrows in NYC?

Manhattan Staten Island Queens Brooklyn The Bronx

Why are Staten Island and Manhattan their own islands?

Because they are surrounded by water.

Where does aventura live?

he lives in Manhattan NY near the Presbyterian hospital

What are the names of New Yorks five buroughs?

Bronx Brooklyn Manhattan Queens Staten Island

What island is in the New York Harbor?

There are several.... Governor's Island, Liberty Island, Staten Island, Ellis island and Manhattan Island.

What are boroughs in New York?

The Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Staten Island.

What statue is on Staten Island?

The major statue everyone seems to associate with Staten Island is the Statue of Liberty, which is located in the waters between Staten Island, New Jersey and Manhattan. You can see the Statue of Liberty fairly close from a trip on the Staten Island Ferry. Other than that, there are no major famous statues of note on Staten Island.