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It was not banned by Congress, so no, the federal government has not banned it.

California recently passed a partial ban of the Confederate flag; they disallow state agencies from displaying or selling the flag. Otherwise, no state has banned it. In fact, a few Southern states have even incorporated it, or elements of it, into their current state flags. This may be changing, however, in the months to come following the tragedy in Charleston.

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Q: Was the national flag of the Confederacy banned after the Civil War?
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Did Kentucky secede in 1860?

Practically speaking, Kentucky never fought for the Confederacy on the side of the Civil War. Apparently an assembly of the citizens did pass an ordinance of secession, but it never came to anything. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The confederate flag, however, recognizes Kentucky as a Confederate state by granting it one of the thirteen stars on the battle flag of the confederacy.

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