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Paxton Brown

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Q: Was Mississippi one of the 13 colonies?
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Was Mississippi one of the thirteen colonies?

No it was not.

What geographic feature marked the western boundry of the 13 colonies?

Mississippi river

Was Nebraska one of the original 13 colonies?

{| |- | Certainly not! Nebraska is well west of the Mississippi River. All of the original colonies except New Hampshire had coast line on the Atlantic Ocean. |}

Is California one of the original thirteen colonies?

no it was not it was never one of the 13 colonies

Does the 13 colonies have something to do with your flag?

Each stripe represents one of the original 13 colonies.

Was Kentucky or Delaware or North Carolina not one of the original thirteen colonies?

Not One of the Original 13 ColoniesKentucky was not one of the original 13 colonies.

When did new york become a state of the union?

New York was one of the original 13 colonies. It became one of the 13 colonies in 1788.

New Hampshire was not one of the original 13 colonies?

New Hampshire was one of the thirteen colonies.

Is Philadelphia one of the 13 originals?

It is the largest city in one of the Original 13 colonies.

Is Colorado one of the original 13 colonies?

No, it is not.

Was Illinois not one of original 13 American colonies?

Illinois was Not one of the 13 original American Colonies in 1776. It was too far west. It was on the western side of the Appalachian mountains. All of the 13 colonies were on the eastern side of the mountains.