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Yes because of all the rumors people started

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Q: Was Greek mythology is based on stories that were exaggerated?
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What are rick Riordans books based on?

Rick Riordan's books are based on classic Greek Mythology. The stories (percy jackson) started out as bedtime stories for his kids.

Is it important to learn about greek mythology?

Learning about Greek mythology helps us understand the beginnings of Western civilisation. It also helps give us a wider perspective of religion.Another good reason to learn about Greek mythology is because much great literature, religious practices and stories in the west are based from it. Further, the stories are very colorful and entertaining.Greek mythology was the basis of the ancient Greek religious beliefs and an important part of their culture.

Does Perseus save his mother in greek mythology?

If you mean the mythology, no. If you mean the series based on Greek Mythology, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, yes.

What is the link between Greek mythology and the present?

In the present, you can find books or films based upon Greek Mythology.

What is the basis of Roman mythology?

Roman mythology is based on/borrowed from Greek mythology, using diffrent names.

Where was the labyrinth based on?

The labyrinth is based on the labyrinth in greek mythology. Most things from PJO are from greek myths.

Why is it important to learn about Greek mythology?

Learning about Greek mythology helps us understand the beginnings of Western civilisation. It also helps give us a wider perspective of religion.Another good reason to learn about Greek mythology is because much great literature, religious practices and stories in the west are based from it. Further, the stories are very colorful and entertaining.Greek mythology was the basis of the ancient Greek religious beliefs and an important part of their culture.

Is Jesus based on a Greek god called Mithras?

No he had nothing to do with Greek mythology he was a real Jew

What is other series based on Greek mythology?

Percy Jackson and the Olympians

Was Sinbad based on Greek mythology?

sinbad is based on medieval tales about sindhi sailors that reached Persia.

How greek mythology is influenced today?

Yes. There are products named after Greek gods, movies are made with stories around Greek gods and mythology , the planets were named by the Greeks for Gods, buildings copy Greek designs, government are based on the Greek idea of democracy, children are given names of Greek gods, and knowing Greek mythology is considered the foundation of a good education.

Where did Greek mythology spread spread to?

It spread throughout Europe, and was adopted by Rome. AL though Roman Mythology differed slightly from Greek Mythology, it was still based on it.