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Geographer Jean Gottmann defined the area from Boston to Washington as a megalopolis.

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How do use megalopolis in a sentence?

Geographer Jean Gottmann defined the area from Boston to Washington as a megalopolis.

How do you use megalopolis in a sentence?

Geographer Jean Gottmann defined the area from Boston to Washington as a megalopolis.

Can you give a a sentence with megalopolis?

A megalopolis such as New York City offers many diverse opportunities, but the crime rate is usually high.

When did Battle of Megalopolis happen?

Battle of Megalopolis happened in -331.

What is the plural form of megalopolis?


What is Great Lakes Megalopolis's population?

Great Lakes Megalopolis's population is 54,000,000.

When was Megalopolis Expressway Trial created?

Megalopolis Expressway Trial was created in 1992.

How many megalopolis are in the US?

There are several recognized megalopolises in the United States, including the Northeast Megalopolis (BosWash), Southern California Megalopolis, and ChiPitts Megalopolis. The exact number can vary depending on specific definitions and boundaries used.

What actors and actresses appeared in Megalopolis - 2010?

The cast of Megalopolis - 2010 includes: Alexandra Leroux as herself

What is the Tokaido megalopolis?

The Tokaido megalopolis is a combination of Japan's three largest cities Tokyo, Nagoya and Osaka.

Why was the northeast of the US named Megalopolis?

The reason why the northeast of the US is called a Megalopolis is because it is made up of a chain of metropolitan areas. These metropolitan areas are one right after another, and that is what makes up a megalopolis.

What is megalopolis?

A megalopolis is when several large cities merge together as their borders grow,the resulting supercity is a megalopolis. EX: Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, D.C. .