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Q: Type of irrigation methods in haryana detail?
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What is the type of soil of haryana?

Alluvial soil found in haryana - Vishal Azad / KV Palwal

What name is given to the type of irrigation used in ahero irrigation scheme?

canal irrigation

How do farmers water the fields?

Farmers water their fields by using methods such as drip irrigation, sprinkler systems, flood irrigation, or pivots. The method chosen depends on factors like crop type, soil type, and water availability. These systems ensure that crops receive the necessary amount of water to grow and thrive.

Which type of irrigation loses the most water to evaporation?

Flood Irrigation

Which type of irrigation pours water through canals and waterways?

Irrigation. This process dates back 5,000 years.

What is moat or pulley system of irrigation?

moat irrigation system is a manual type of irrigation in which the water is drawn from a well and the plants r irrigated

What type of irrigation should be done on the hills?

Furrow irrigation should be used on slopes. Furrow irrigation creates parallel channels along the length of the slope.

What are the type of irrigation?

Drip Irrigation (Both on-line and in-line systems) Sprinkler Irrigation System Micro sprinklers Micro jets Rain Guns Gravity fed Drip System Semi permanent sprinkler system. Visit dripwala website for further details

Which type of irrigation losses the most water to evaporation?

Large irrigation channels losses more water by evaporation.

Which term is a type of detail?


Is aquaculture a type of irrigation?

No. Aquaculture refers to a type of agriculture where primarily fish are raised for food.

What is the warehouse construction cost in haryana and Punjab?

The constructions costs for setting up a warehouse in Haryana and Punjab can not be predicted since there is not standard price for construction. It depends on the vicinity, city, size of plot, and type of material that will be used in construction.