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magnetic north

north pole =magnetic south

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Q: The south pole of a compass magnet points toward?
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If there was a magnet beside a compass would the compass point to the north or south?

If there is a magnet beside a compass, the compass needle would be influenced by the magnetic field of the magnet rather than Earth's magnetic field. The needle would point towards the opposite pole of the magnet, so if the magnet's north pole is beside the compass, the compass needle would point towards the south.

Where does the south pole a compass magnet points?

The north of the compass points to Earth's magnetic south pole, which is to the north.

How do you identify the north and south pole of a magnet?

Use a compass. It's needle points to the south pole of a magnet.

What way does the south pole of a compass point toward?

Except near the Earth's magnetic poles, the south pole of a compass points toward the south.

How do you identify the polarities in round magnet?

You can identify the polarities of a round magnet using a compass. The end of the magnet that points north on the compass is the north pole of the magnet, while the end that points south on the compass is the south pole of the magnet.

How to find positive on a magnet?

To determine the positive and negative poles on a magnet, you can use a compass. The end of the magnet that attracts the north pole of a compass is the magnet's south pole, and the end that attracts the south pole of a compass is the magnet's north pole. Label these accordingly as positive and negative, or north and south poles.

What are the four main points on compass called?

North south east and west

How can you tell which is the North Pole on a magnet if it is not marked?

To determine the North Pole of an unmarked magnet, you can use a compass. The needle of the compass will point towards the North Pole of the magnet, helping you identify its orientation.

The south pole a compass magnet points toward?

magnetic north north pole =magnetic south

How could you find the North Pole of magnet?

You can find the North Pole of a magnet by using a compass. The end of the magnet that points to the north on the compass is the magnet's North Pole. Alternatively, you can use another magnet to determine the poles - opposite poles will attract each other (North attracts South) while like poles will repel each other (North repels North).

Why does a compass needle spin toward the magnet when yu put it near a magnet?

A compass needle is essentially a small magnet itself. When you bring a magnet near the compass, the magnetic field of the magnet causes the compass needle to align with the magnetic field lines of the magnet, which is why the needle spins towards the magnet.

How do you determine the poles of a button magnet?

The poles of a button magnet can be determined by using a compass. Place the compass near the magnet and observe which end of the compass needle points towards the magnet. The end pointing towards the magnet's north pole indicates the south pole of the magnet, and vice versa.