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The low average temperature is due to the fact that Quito is located high in the Andes Mountains.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Because it has a high altitude.

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Q: Quito Ecuador is located on the equator and is not a coastal city It has an average annual temperature of only thirteen degrees C Fifty-Five degrees F What is the likely cause for this low temperature?
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Why is the average summer temperature for quito and Ecuador 96 and nome Alaska is 65?

Why is the average temperature for Quito Ecuador 96 and Nome Alaska 65? Perhaps because the equator runs through Quito and Alaska is fairly close to the polar region.

What is the average temperature of Ecuador?

it is about 68 june 56 aug 65 sept and 93 july

What are the average summer temperatures for Quito Ecuador and Nome Alaska?

Nome Alaska's temperature is 65 degrees F and Quito Ecuador is 96 degrees F

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The country with the least temperature fluctuation is Ecuador, thanks to its location near the equator, which results in relatively stable temperatures year-round. The coastal regions of Ecuador have an average temperature that remains consistent throughout the year.

Locate Quito Ecuador and Nome Alaska on a map then find the average summer temperature each city?

Nome, Alaska is on the Seward Peninsula in Alaska, U.S.A. Quito, Ecuador is in South America.

Which country has the highest average annual temperature?

The country with the highest average annual temperature is Burkina Faso, located in West Africa. Its temperature averages around 28-30 degrees Celsius annually.

What is the average summer tempter of Quito Ecuador?

AnswerThe average temperature at noon is 19°C (66°F) with a normal night-time low of 10°C (50°F)

What is the average of six thirteen eleven?

The average is 10.

What is the average life expectancy of Ecuador?

75.1 Average for male and female combined.

Are the mountains high in Ecuador?

The mountains are high in Ecuador with many peaks reaching over 20,000 feet in height. The average mountain in Ecuador is over 12,000 feet high.

What is the average temperatuer in the summer in Ecuador?

about 74 Degrees Fahrenheit

What is the average height in Ecuador?

Men average about 5'2 ft to 5'6 ft women average from 5'0 feet mostly