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Q: Nightly news coverage of the Vietnam War on television helped?
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What influence did television have on either the Vietnam War or presidential elections and why?

it helped to get public opinion.

Did Television Coverage of the War Doom US Involvement?

Media was a major piece in the decline of support for US involvement in Vietnam. Because of the easy access to the front lines and all of the major injuries inflicted, many of the citizens in the US became against the war and this helped spur a large anti-Vietnam protest movement. Along with the media coverage, when the Pentagon Papers were released to the New York Times and Washington Post, the American people were able to rationalize just how many soldiers were being hurt/killed as well as resources being used in the war.

One way television coverage has affected football?

Media coverage has affected the game of football by slowing the game down with commercials and advertisements.

Why did America get into a fight with Vietnam?

America helped out SOUTH Vietnam. NORTH Vietnam was attacking it.

How many American women served in the Korean War?

Women didn't fight in WW1, WW2, Korea or Vietnam; they were mostly NURSES. See Film & Television series MASH.

Who helped South Vietnam during the Vietnam War?

Simple, the US.

What other country helped aid Vietnam against communism?

America "Helped" Vietnam against "the communists" and i think that's it.

How did the tv broadcast of the Vietnam war effect your support?

The media in the Vietnam war was huge during the 1960s they could see the war as it really was and those who lived in the United States of America could see actual vidoes and imagery of the war and the live fighting of their country.

Which country helped south vietnam fight a war?

The United States helped South Vietnam fight the war.

Why did North-Vietnam helped the vietcong?

The VC were an ally.

Why is Vietnam a NIC?

Vietnam is classified as the NIC because the Americans and the Australians helped them Industrialise by giving them money.

What was the main reason the US helped south Vietnam fight against north Vietnam?

The US helped in order to stop the spread of Communism into another nation and it was Viet Nam.