You must remember that Hawaii has its own language separate from English, and some things are different. The punctuation mark used in the Hawai'ian language (just used it) is not the English apostrophe. Properly known as a glottal stop, it is used when you have paired vowels, to indicate a full pronunciation of each letter. Used formal communication, it is a key to properly speaking some Hawaiian words- so you know that it is not ha-wahi, but ha-wah-i.
Apostrophe is the punctuatio n mark used after the word Hawaii. It is used to i ndicate possessio ns. I n this case, it mea ns that the wildlife belo ngs to Hawaii.
including the apostrophe, Hawaiian actually has 13 letters. The reason is because that's all the language needs.
No. A spider is a spider and an apostrophe is an apostrophe.
you've is the apostrophe of you have
The apostrophe for "they had" is "they'd".
No, your doesn't have an apostrophe. You're, however, does have an apostrophe because it's a contraction for you and are.
This is an apostrophe.( ' )
No, taste doesn't have an apostrophe.
there is no apostrophe
Shall not with an apostrophe is shan't.
you dont use an apostrophe in will not
An apostrophe is not required.