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Q: Is Mercedes named after a greek god or goddess?
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Is there a greek god named Mercedes?

No, there is no Greek god named Mercedes. Mercedes is actually a name derived from the Virgin Mary, combining elements from the words "Mary" and "grace." It is not associated with Greek mythology.

Which greek god is the god of force?

it is not a god it is a goddess named Bia

Was there a Greek god named 'Astray'?

There is no recorded Greek god or goddess with the name 'Astray'.

Is Troy Greece named after a Greek god or goddess?


What greek god was Uranus named after?

Uranus was named after the Greek god of the sky and heavens. In Greek mythology, Uranus was the father of the Titans and the grandfather of Zeus.

Who was the greek god of dance?

A miner goddess named Terpsichore was the goddess of dance.

Are Nike shoes named after a god?

Nike, Inc. is named after a Greek goddess, Nike the goddess of victory.

Was Earth named after a Roman or Greek goddess?

No, Earth is the only planet not named after a Roman or Greek god or goddess; it is, instead, named after the the stuff we stand on: earth.

Is Uranus named after a god or goddess?

Yes, Uranus is named after the Greek god of the sky, who is also the father of the Titans and grandfather of Zeus.

What are the names of greek gods all the planenets were named after?

Mercury was named after the greek god Hermes Venus was named after the greek goddess of love, Aphrodite Earth was named after the greek goddess Endymion or Gaea Mars was named after the greek God of War Ares Jupiter was named after the greek Ruler of the Gods Zeus Saturn was named after the greek god of harvest, Cronos or Kronos Uranus was named after the greek god Uranus (same) he was also Gaea's husband Neptune was named after the greek god of the sea, Poseidon Pluto was named after the greek god of the underworld Hades He was a gloomy, stern and dull god if you are looking for more information on these gods go to

Roman god of love starting with a?

The Roman god of love is named Cupid. The Greek goddess of love is named Aphrodite.

Is Neptune named after a Greek god or goddess?

Neither. Neptune is named after the Roman god of the sea, also called Neptune.