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Florida is closer to the equator.

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Q: Is Florida or Arizona closer to the Equator?
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Related questions

Is Arizona closer to the equator than Alaska?

Yes, Arizona is closer.

Why is climate warmer in Florida?

Florida is closer to the equator.

Is Florida warm?

Always because Florida is closer to the equator.

Which is closer to equator Hawaii or Florida?

Hawaii is closer to the equator than Florida. Hawaii is located around 20 degrees north of the equator, while Florida is located between 25 to 31 degrees north of the equator.

Why is southern Florida hotter than northern Florida?

It's closer to the equator

Is Florida hotter then Illinois why?

Florida is a lot hotter because it is closer to the equator.

Which lies closer to the equator Virginia or Florida?

Florida lies closer to the equator than Virginia. This means that Florida receives more direct sunlight and generally has warmer weather compared to Virginia.

Which state is the closest to the equator Montana Florida or California?

Florida is closer to the equator than southern Argentina or any part of Spain is, although it's closer to southern Spain than it is to Argentina. But northern Argentina is closer to the equator than either Florida or any part of Spain. Southern Spain is also closer to Florida than it is to Argentina, but no part of any of them is as close to the Equator as Ecuador or Gabon is.

What state is the only state closer to the equator than Florida?


Is Florida hotter than Illinois why?

Yes. Florida is closer to the equator and to very large bodies of water.

Why is Florida hotter than other states?

Florida is the farthest south of the states, therefor closer to the equator.

Which state would have warmer climate Montana or Florida. Why?

I think it is Florida because it's closer to the equator