There is concrete evidence that the Southern Ocean that surrounds Antarctica is getting warmer. This warmth is causing the ice shelves to deteriorate from underneath.
According to the British Antarctic Survey, warming is also evident in the Antarctic Peninsula:
"A total increase in mean annual air temperatures, of around 2.8 °C makes this the most rapidly warming region in the Southern Hemisphere - comparable to rapidly warming regions of the Arctic."
The summer temperatures in Antarctica are not warm enough to melt the ice sheet.
winter and summer
In summer, they bathe in the cold water to cool off, and in winter their fur helps keep them warm.
Microfiber is made for warmth. How can any "blanket" cool you anyway. Summer is not cool to begin with.
Cool and wet in the winter and warm in the summer
It's never 'hot' in Antarctica, however, in summer, the temperatures can warm up to zero degrees F.
keeps it cool in summer and warm in winter
Antarctica's average temperature is the coldest on earth. You don't state your winter temperatures, but summer temperatures in Antarctica can rise -- in some places -- to almost zero degrees F. The summer temperature on the Antarctic Peninsula can be warm-ish, in the upper 30 or 40 degrees F.
well, it gets 'got' in the summer because the seaons are like a cycle. Cold, Cool, Warm, and 'Got'
Because the pueblos were warm in winter and cool in summer. They had two houses, cool house, and ,warmhouse.
Refrigerators in Antarctica, as opposed to anywhere else in the world, warm, not cool. This is because it is so cold there, that in order to keep food edible, it needs to be stored in warm temperatures.
adobe kept them cool in the summer and warm in the winter.