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There is no law about how many days you can work in a row. If an employer needs you at work and if you want the job you go to work. There is no limit. There are only laws on number of hours worked/overtime and the number of breaks/lunch/dinner that are to be given in a work day. There are also no laws about working holidays. I am sure that if you don't want to work the employer can find someone who is out of work to replace you.

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Q: How many days in a row can an employer make you work in California?
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As many as it wishes, unless the employer has volunteered to be bound by a contract of employment.

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30 days

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Permanently, if you and your employer agree to it.

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Yes you could, your employer cannot make you work that many but you could choose to.

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Your employer can't "make" you do anything, because you are an employee, not a slave. He can make any request or assignment, and you then have three possible responses ... the choice is entirely up to you. You are completely free to choose. You can 1). Comply. 2). Negotiate. 3). Walk.

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10 days

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5 days

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There is no time limit since you are not required to get one at all.

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It take two days