Tornadoes travel at speeds ranging from 0 to over 70 mph.
The average is 30 mph.
If you mean how fast does a tornado travel, the average forwards speed is about 30 mph, but it can range from 0 mph to over 70.
average of 30mph and can reach over 70mph
The most common question about tornadoes is likely "How fast can a tornado travel?"
The average tornado travels at 35 mph. Some tornadoes are stationary or nearly stationary. One tornado in 1925 was determined to have traveled at 73 mph at one point.
It depends on how fast the tornado is moving, which varies. An average tornado moves at about 30 mph, so it would take 2 minutes to travel a mile. The fastest a tornado has ever been known to travel was 73 mph, in which case it would travel a mile in about 50 seconds. At the other end, some tornadoes barely move at all.
Debris in a tornado can reach speeds of over 200 mph (322 km/h), making it extremely dangerous and capable of causing significant damage. The speed of debris within a tornado can vary depending on the tornado's intensity and size.
It depends on how fast the tornado is traveling. The average tornado moves at about 30 mph, so in 15 minutes an average tornado would move 7.5 miles. However, some tornadoes move much faster. The fastest moving tornado on record was found, at times, to travel at 73 mph. At that speed the tornado would travel just over 18 miles in 15 minutes.
It varies widely. A typical tornado travels at between 30 and 40 mph, but some tornadoes are stationary, while others can travel at over 70 mph.
The Joplin tornado of 2011 had a damage path 22 miles long and lasted 38 minutes, which works out to an average speed of about 35 mph. The winds inside the tornado are estimated to have peaked at 225 to 250 mph.
That depends on the size of the town and how fast the tornado is traveling. The average tornado travels at about 30 mph, so it takes two minutes to travel a mile. However, some tornadoes barely move along while some travel at over 60 mph (a mile every minute).
I assume you mean kilometers per hour as a kilometer is a unit of distance, not speed. Tornadoes vary greatly in speed. They may be stationary or travel at more than 100 km/h. A typical tornado travels at about 50 km/h.