There are severaly different curses commonly used by gypsies, and thus many remedies. However, most can be undone with this simple scripture found in the 12th century. First you must gut a newly born lamb, under the full moon, and capture its entrails in a bowl made of oak. Then, these must be spread under the bedsheets of the cursed person for a month. In order to ward off any spirits that wish to re-enter the body, the effected person must block all possible points of entry to the body with either the feathers of a duck, or the fur of a wolf.
Contact a priest for an exorcism.
A curse placed upon a person or object by someone of Gypsy origin.
A curse placed upon a person or object by someone of Gypsy origin.
The gypsy curse made them laugh at first. The curse words flowed out of his mouth like water out of the faucet.
Car 54 Where Are You - 1961 The Gypsy Curse 1-9 was released on: USA: 12 November 1961
Teresa Vidal has written: 'The gypsy's curse'
In the book "Holes" by Louis Sachar, the curse of the one-legged gypsy is a superstition that is believed to bring bad luck to the Yelnats family. The curse is said to have been placed on Stanley Yelnats' great-great-grandfather, Elya Yelnats, when he failed to keep his promise to Madame Zeroni. As a result of the curse, the Yelnats family faces a series of unfortunate events that ultimately lead to Stanley's wrongful conviction and subsequent time at Camp Green Lake.
It means gypsies are heartless and this is fake
In the book "Holes" by Louis Sachar, the curse from the one-legged gypsy is placed on Stanley Yelnats' family after Elya Yelnats breaks a promise to carry the gypsy up a mountain. The curse brings bad luck to each successive generation of the Yelnats family, leading to Stanley being wrongfully convicted and sent to Camp Green Lake. The curse is eventually broken when Stanley carries Zero up a mountain to safety.
In holes the gypsy puts a curse on stanleys great great grandfather because stanleys great great grandfather didnt carry the gypsy up mountain. so now when ever something goes wrong with Stanley he blames hes great great grandfather.
I personally like these 3: Madman Howling, Gypsy Curse, and Phantom Ghost.