No he is Spanish. he was born in Miami, Florida, and Spanish was also his first language. And for all you Armenians out there reading this, I was bummed out too. I'm Armenian as well and I thought I finally found an important Armenian character in a popular show. :*(
Armenian is the main spoken language in Armeniaonly one and only ARMENIAN......
well Kourtney, Kim, Khloe and Rob all have an Armenian father (Robert Kardashian), however their mom, Kris is from california, thus meaning thay arer half armenian. however kendall, and kylie are full american.
Yes. All four band members are Americans of Armenian heritage.
Վարդապետ. Pronounced var-ta-pet. Be aware all a's in Armenian are pronounced with an 'ah' sound like the first 'a' in "almost". (this might be the biblical way of saying "master") or Վարպետ. Pronounced var-pet. (this is someone who is a master of something)
You say "ẹ ku ọjọ isẹgun" in Yoruba, which translates to "hope all is well."
yes there is. PUMPKIN in Armenian is dudoom. it means like dummy or hard headed person. As a general rule, all vegetables (and gourds) are insults in Armenian.
Yes! Russians when they announce that Armenian is one of the USSR republics all together there was 15.
Al de poso de senta.
Well.... my name is Kiera. Almost all of my friends speak Spanish. When they refer to me in Spanish, they pronounce my name as ki-er-da. Roll the r. That's basically the only language I know how to pronounce my name in. Hope I help.
Mazer pronounce it like ma-zer (same way as there /zer) Armenian and Proud :) Recognize Genocide! Never again 1915 <3 to the 1.5 million victims. Spread the word. Join the Armenian Youth Federation (for all Armenian youth) Come participate in meetings, seminars, with fellow Armenians.hai