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Serbian language uses the formality manner. If you are talking to someone older or someone who you need to respect, you say "ZDRAVO" and it is pronounced the same way as is written. (z-dra-vo). When you are speaking to your friends you say "chao" just like Italians

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11y ago

tungjatjeta hembri ime eshte ...

(hello) (name) (my) (is)

although it says hello name is.. it makes sence in the albanian language.

the j's make the y sound.

this is how it is pronounced

toon-gya-tyeta hem-bree eeme eshte...... Stacy for example

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12y ago

Differen situation, differen greet.

Mire mengjes - good morning

mire mbrema - good evening

naten e mire - good night

mire u pafshim - good bye

shendet - salute. It is used when you live somebody and means good health. Lately a Italian word ciao is used too. it means bye.

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15y ago

Halo - Hello Tung - Bye Mirmengjesi - Goodmorning Naten e mir - goodnight Mirmbrama - good evening

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