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NOTE: The Hawaiian language is a phonetic language (almost like Spanish). Please keep that in mind when pronouncing the italicized words. It is also important that each vowel and/or diacritical mark in each word is pronounced clearly and correctly. Why? Because:

au (ah-oo) = I

ao (ah-oh) = Cloud

u'i (oo-'ee) = Beautiful

ui (oo-wee) = To ask

'āina ('aah-yeenah) = Land

aina (ahyee-nah) = Sexual intercourse

Actually, I think you are referring to the phrase Aloha (w)au iā 'oe. It means "I love you". I put the "w" in parenthesis because wau is the variation of au (please see example above). Usually, people say wau when they're using this phrase. Anyway, here's the pronunciation:

Aloha au iā 'oe. / Aloha wau iā 'oe.

(ah-lo-ha ah-oo ee-YAH 'oh-weh.) / (ah-lo-ha va-oo ee-YAH 'oh-weh.)

The horizontal line above the "a" is called a kahakō, or macron, and indicates an elongation in the indicated vowel. In this case, the "a" in iā is elongated, and is so illustrated by the capitalized letters in the parenthesis.

The mark before the "o" in 'oe is called an 'okina, equivalent to a glottal stop.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Oute alofa ia te oe is pronounced... Oh (for Ocean) the alofah ee ya the ooo e.

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