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There are many different forms and ways you can conjugate verbs in the Italian language. i can go through some basic ones.

the verbs all get conjugated in the end and it all depends if the word ends in ARE, ERE, or IRE.

You will take those 3 letters off the verb and add the following based off who you are talking about. remember that:

io- I______ noi - we

tu-you ____voi - you all ( talking to a group of people)

lui- he_____ loro - they

lei - her

è- it

Present Tense-


io - O _______noi IAMO................. <---- the rest of the conjugations will remain in this

tu- I_________ Voi- ATE ...................shape.. i will be leaving out the subject for the

lui/lei/è- A ___Loro-ANO .................other conjugations



I___ ETE

E ___ONO



I ____ITE

E ___ONO



i eat every day

ogni- every

giorno- day

mangiare- to eat

Conjugation -- mangiare -- io form= O mangi + O = mangio

= (io) mangio ogni giorno --- ( io) is optional because we know who we are talking about based off the conjugation

Other Are verbs are :

nuotare - to swim

ballare- to dance

cantare- to sing

camminare- to walk

Continuare- to continue

viaggiare- to travel

ascoltare- to listen

volare- to fly

suonare- to play an instrument

parlare- to speak

comminciare- to start

comprare- to buy


they write

scrivere- to write

scrivere--- they form = ONO---- scriv+ ONO = Scrivono

Othere Ere verbs are:

Correre- to run

vedere- to see

vendere- to sell

leggere- to read

bevere- to drink

vivere- to live

credere-to believe

chiudere- to close

prendere- to take

3. we sleep

dormire - to sleep

dormire--- we form = IAMO ---- dorm= IAMO = dormiamo

Other IRE verbs are :

sentire- to feel/ hear

aprire-to open

offrire- to offer

partire- to leave

servire- to serve

Some Ire verbs are considered * ISC * verbs. This is where you add isc before the appropriate ending and is only found in IRE verbs. *NOI and VOI form stays regular and doesnt have the ISC before it.


ISCO____ IAMO* ...........*** ISC verbs are also considered to be a boot verb

ISCI_____ ITE*............. because if you were to circle the irregular endings

ISCE ___ISCONO looks like a boot ( i put them in bold )

Here are some words that are ISC, ( a rule to help memorize them is if you count 5 letters backwards from the last letter and it is a VOWEL then it is an ISC verb

for example --- finire --- count backwards from the e 5 letters including the e. you land on the I therefore it is an ISC word.

Heres a list:

Finire- to finish

capire- to understand

ubbidire- to obbey

pulire - to clean

spedire- to send


Capisco____ Capiamo*

Capisci _____Capite*

Capisce ____Capiscono

the last verbs i will show you will be irregular verbs u just have to memorize.

Essere- to be _____________Avere- to have

sono___ siamo _______________ho ___abbiamo

sei ____siete_________________ hai ___Avete

è _____sono__________________ ha___ hanno

Volere- to want

Voglio__ Vogliamo

Vuoi__ _Volete

Vuole __Vogliono

Potere- to Can/ to be able to

Posso___ Possiamo

puoi____ Potete

può____ possono

Dovere- to have to / to Must

Devo____ dobbiamo

devi____ dovete

deve ____devono

Hope this helps ! ( sorry bout the lines all my spaces got erased!!! )

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