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It would effect it because a harbor is used to dock ships and boats so they could go sell their products. If the government will not let them get on boats then they can't sell the products.They aren't making money.

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Q: How did the closing of the Boston harbor effect the economy of Massachusetts?
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I was born in Boston in January 1706 .JESUS ESQUIVEL 1190 west Monroe st apt A wytheville va 24382 register at mount Rogers pact team case workers and nurses Teresa Amy Jessica thanks behave yourself.

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Boston tea party was when Americans dressed up as Indians during the revolution and snuck aboard an English trade ship carrying tea. They dumped the tea into the Boston harbor, to oppose the tea act, which raised tax on tea from England As punishment, the English blocked their harbor stopping trade and hurting the Boston economy

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Parliament passed the Coercive Acts to punish Massachusetts.

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