Key West is neither the southermmost city in the US or the southermost city in the continental US. This is a myth perpetuated by this community. The majority of Hawaii is around 400 miles further South than Key West and it being a key or island disqualifies from being "continental" Brownsville Texas is the southern most city in the continental US. Wrong, Key West is almost 1° farther south in latitude and the Keys are a part of CONUS.
Hawaii is the southernmost of the 50 states.
Yes, they are both further south.
Hawaii is further south than Florida. The southern point of the Big Island is known as the most southern part of the U.S. You can tell by looking at a map.
Hawaii and Florida are two examples.
W ell thats easy, it depends on where you are coming from
Alaska is further than Hawaii from continental United States. Hawaii is 2,471 miles from California. Alaska is 3,333 miles from Washington State.
Parts of Asia are further north than Portugal and there are also parts of it that are further south than Portugal.Parts of Asia are further north than Portugal and there are also parts of it that are further south than Portugal.Parts of Asia are further north than Portugal and there are also parts of it that are further south than Portugal.Parts of Asia are further north than Portugal and there are also parts of it that are further south than Portugal.Parts of Asia are further north than Portugal and there are also parts of it that are further south than Portugal.Parts of Asia are further north than Portugal and there are also parts of it that are further south than Portugal.Parts of Asia are further north than Portugal and there are also parts of it that are further south than Portugal.Parts of Asia are further north than Portugal and there are also parts of it that are further south than Portugal.Parts of Asia are further north than Portugal and there are also parts of it that are further south than Portugal.Parts of Asia are further north than Portugal and there are also parts of it that are further south than Portugal.Parts of Asia are further north than Portugal and there are also parts of it that are further south than Portugal.
Judging by longitude, Alaska is further west. If it were any further west, it would start to cross the 180 degree line. However, if you flew to Alaska or Hawaii from California, you'd have to go much further west to get to Hawaii. This anamoly is because the world is round and Hawaii is much further south than Alaska, which is almost at the North Pole.
Honolulu, Hawaii. Most people think it's Tallahassee, Florida, but even Austin, Texas is further south than Tallahassee. Tallahassee's latitude is at 30.27, Austin is 30.16 and Honolulu is at 21.18 making it further south than both of the cities.
Colorado is further south than South Dakota.