it did once on September 23, 1903.
No it hasn't.
The Yanks have never been snowed out. However, they have been in fairly heavy snow. Most recently in the 1996 home opener against the Kansas City Royals. The Yankees were snowed out on opening day in April 1982.
It has snowed in Austin.
Yes. On May 2, 2013
He was arrested in New York City in July 2011 for driving with a suspended license.
It has never snowed in Mumbai. The coldest temperature ever recorded in Mumbai was 7.4 Celsius which occurred in 1962.
No, it has never snowed in June in New York City. June is typically a warmer month with temperatures usually too high for snow to occur. Snow in June would be extremely unusual for the city's climate.
Yes, it has snowed in Fremont, California but I'm not sure when though.