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Yes and no. As in any country, there will be some people who believe in vampires and others who don't.

But there's a historical person around whom some vampire stories circulate. He was Vlad III [c. 1431-December 1476], Prince of Walachia. Walachia is part of modern day Romania. The prince was nicknamed 'Vlad the Impaler'. Indeed, he was known for impaling his enemies and those whose behaviors and beliefs didn't fit in with his. Stories spread at the time that he liked to drink his victims' blood.

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Q: Do Romanians believe in vampires
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No, Vampires do not exist they are make believe.

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Vampires can exist in any city in the world -- that is, if you believe in vampires!

Add your name to the desscusion if you believe in vampires and if you dont edit it into the answer?

personally, i think that there are vampires, but they are people with rare conditions. so in the religious sense, no i don't believe in vampires

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Vampires are mythical creatures used in stories purely for entertainment value. While there are people who would like for others to believe that vampires are real, they are in fact not. Vampires are make believe.

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Romanians are famous for: Building the first Jet engine, Football,Athletics,organizing the first modern Olympic Games(see Evanghelie Zappa -an aromanian ethnic-) also.. being vampires,thieves,hackers and major league ass-holes...well ,sometimes

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