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No. You're thinking of the Graeae, who shared one tooth and one eye among them. By stealing their eye, Perseus forced them to tell him the whereabouts of the items he needed to kill the Gorgon, Medusa (or in later accounts, the location of Medusa herself).

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Q: Did the Greek fates share one eye?
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Are the Fates of Greek Mythology thought of as sharing one eye and one tooth?

No. You're thinking of the Graae, another trio of women.

Who were the Fates in Hercules?

The Fates are the three goddesses that determine destiny. In the Disney movie 'Hercules' they are shown sharing one eye among them. That is wrong. The three Grey sisters shared one eye and one tooth among them, not the three Fates.

Did the fates share one eye?

No, they all have their own eyes. You are thinking of the Graeae, three archaic goddesses, daughters of Phorcys and Ceto. They looked like old, grey-haired women and had only one eye and one tooth to go between them.

What are the weaknesses of Clotho Lachesis and Athropos?

They are the Fates. In NORSE mythology they have only one eye between them, which can be stolen.

How does the word cloth relate to Greek mythology?

Klôthô or Clotho whose name means "spinner" is one of the Greek goddesses called the Moirai, or Fates.

How many fates did Zeus have?

Zeus' Fates or "The Fates" were called Moirae in Greek, which translates to "apportioners", in Greek mythology there were 3, dressed in white robes, and were personifications of destiny. The Greek word moira literally means a part or portion, and by extension ones part in life or destiny. They controlled the metaphorical thread of life of every mortal from birth to death. One was Clotho, another was Lachesis, and the 3rd was Atropos.

What did the grey sisters share in common in greek mythology?

Thing the Grey Sisters shared was One eye.

What do the three fates in greek mythology look like?

They are not fat nor thin, they are not pretty but nor are they ugly. They are not short or tall either. One of them is and old lady, the other one a young woman, and the third fate is supposed to be a child. Hope this helps :)

What did the fates look like?

The Fates are 3 old women but they can change shape if they want to. No one can change the Fates as they are what they are.

Who are the Fates?

They are: CLOTHO who spins the Thread of Life, LACHESIS who allots the length of the yarn, and ATROPOS who does the snip (the final one). The Fates decided how long each human being's life was, according to Greek and Roman mythologies. They cut the string of life.

What myth has one eye?

The Cyclops, which is in Greek mythology.

Who is one eye son of greek god neptune?
