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Where did Picasso live in 1904?

Pablo Picasso lived in France in 1904

Where did Pablo Picasso live most?

In France.

Were does Pablo Picasso mother live?

Somewhere in the World!

How many years did Pablo Picasso live in France?

73 years.

How long did Pablo Picasso live?

Pablo Picasso was born on October 25, 1881

Did Picasso ever live in the US?

No, he did not.

How long did Picasso live in Spain?

Pablo Picasso's family moved to Barcelona ,Spain IN 1895

Where did Pablo Picasso live other than his country of birth?

In Paris and other French places.

Why did Pablo Picasso decide to live in Paris?

During that time, Paris was known as the art capital of europe.

Where did Pablo Picasso work and live as an adult?

Mainly in Paris. Later in Mougins in the French Riviera area.

Which part of Spain did Pablo Picasso live in?

Malaga, La Coruña and Barcelona.

Where did Salvador Dali and Pablo Picasso live and work?

In Spain and France. Dali also in the USA for 8 years.