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i dont have a clue!!!!!!!

Of course America did. American helped all of Europe recover from the War. The program is known to history as the Marshall Plan, after the World War II leader and Secretary of State. (It was not called the Truman Plan, because it was assumed that the Republican dominated Congress would not fund anything named after President Truman.) The United States offered aid to both Western Europe and the Soviets and the Eastern European countries they controlled. Stalin however rejected American aid. The major stipulation to American aid was that the Europeans coordinate the recovery program. Thus the Marshall Plan was the first step of European integration--the modern European Union. Answer To much of Britain's dismay, Truman had cut off Lend-Lease suddenly after victory in Europe was declared. The UK Treasury at the time was virtually empty, and Britain's economy lay in shambles. Britain wanted a grant from America, but at the very end they settled for a loan known as the Ango-American Loan. Britain got a reasonable and fairly generous deal with a 2% interest rate. The payments were to be spread out over a 60 year timeframe. After a couple of deferments over the years, Britain finally paid off the debt owed to America. The last of these payments occured in December of 2006 as it was wired to the US Federal Reserve. Much before the war, Britain had started heavily investing in Wall Street to help pay for World War One. It wasn't until after Wordl War Two that the British Sterling Pound was pegged to the US Dollar. The above entry is not correct. The United States did not terminate Lend Lease until after the Japanese surrendered. President Truman terminated Lend Lease August 21, 1945. He was required to do this by the original Lend Lease legislation passed by Congress (1941). President Roosevelt at the time agreed to make Lend Lease a war measure as part of the effort to get Congress to agree to his proposal. It was never intended as a general foreign aid program.

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Q: Did America aid Britain after world war 2 and help them rebuild?
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