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I'm sure you can do but:

  • do you have any Scuba diving qualifications/experience
  • what kind of technology were you working on
  • Do you know a guy in the business.

with a diploma in engineering, I'm pretty sure you can do anything with some sort of engineering based profession you want to.

if you make it your goal. yes you can.

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14y ago

As you have already completed the electrical engineering, and you want to join ship, and if you are not able to join as electrical officer, I suggest that you join as an engine rating and work your way up. This means that you will not be joining as an officer but a crew. Of course the pay will be less. But once you are working on board, you will be able to learn on the job following the engineers. After the required sea time, you should be able to sit for engine driver competency exam. Check with the Marine Department of your country. Work up your way step by step to a higher grade of competency. It will be easier to join ships on local trade or home trade rather than foreign going.

The above will take longer. The other way is to enroll into a marine engineer course, which means you are not ready to sail yet, but have to study again. Make sure that the course is training you for work as a sailing marine engineer rather than one for shipyards.

In the two ways described, you cannot escape studying marine engineering subjects. Just electrical is not enough.

Best regard

kingsley chukwuka.

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Can you do marine engineering after a diploma in marine engineering?


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