Here's a fun fact that might be helpful: "facetious" has all main vowels (AEIOU) in order.
But technically, the word with the most vowels is also the longest word in the English language: the scientific name for a protein nicknamed "Titin." It has well over 180,000 letters.
/ɪ/ is the most common vowel sound. It is the vowel in the words
The second most common vowel in the English language is 'I'. The most common vowel is 'E'.
The most common vowel is 'e', and the most common consonant is 's'.
The most common phoneme in the English language is the schwa sound, represented by the symbol /ə/. The schwa is a neutral, mid-central vowel sound that is often unstressed in syllables. It is found in many common words and helps with the smooth pronunciation of English vowels.
The most common language spoken in Mississippi is English.
the most common language in the US is English
English is the most common language spoken in Alaska.
E is the most common letter in the English language.
English is the most common language spoken in the northeast region of the United States.
Irish Sign Language is the second most common non-English language in Ireland.
T is the most common letter in the english language