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simile: he's as reluctant as a smoker going in for lung cancer test

metaphor: he's a smoker going in for a lung cancer test

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Q: What is good simile or metaphor for someone who is reluctant?
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What is a good simile or metaphor for someone reluctant to move or relocate?

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A metaphor is a figure of speech that compares two unlike things by saying one is the other. To make "dark" a good sentence using a metaphor, you could say something like "The darkness was a blanket wrapping me in solitude." This comparison creates a vivid image and adds depth to the description of darkness.

How do you write a simile or metaphor that expresses your aspects as a writer its for school and im confused?

A simile is a comparison to something else, using the words like or as. Example: "A good fiction writer of is an author who puts words together like Ernest Hemingway reincarnated."

How would i write a poem in response to hester's story using a mtaphor and a simile?

To write a poem in response to Hester's story, consider using a metaphor where Hester's life is likened to a rose blooming through adversity, symbolizing her strength and resilience. You could also incorporate a simile comparing Hester to a lone wolf navigating the wilderness of societal judgment, highlighting her independence and courage. Experiment with these literary devices to capture the essence of Hester's experiences in a creative and meaningful way.

What is a good simile and metaphor?

Similie- comparing using "like" or "as" Metaphor-comparing without using "like" or "as" Personification-giving inanimate objects human characteristics

What is a good simile for stuck?

simile for stuck