

What is a crwth?

Updated: 10/22/2022
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14y ago

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A crwth is a bowed musical instrument, and a member of the lire family. It is rectangular, and has two necks. The fingerboard is in the space between the two necks. It usually has four bowed strings, plus two strings that sit off to the side, supposedly to be plucked. The bridge is unusual, as one foot sits on the belly, and the other foot passes through a sound hole, to sit on the back of the instrument. It is traditionally a Welsh instrument, which is why the spelling of the name seems so odd to the ENglish speaker's eye. During mideval times it was played in England, where it was called a crowd. It had mostly passed out of use by the beginning of the 19th century, though there is a renewed interest in it.

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A crwth (pronounced crooth) is an ancient musical instrument, something like a violin. It was originally Welsh, but was popular throughout Europe.

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A sentence containing all 26 letters, "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog." used to be used as a typing test. There are sentences that contain precisely 26 letters, each used once, but they're not normal conversational English. The one I remember from Write magazine in the 1970's is "Squdgy fez blank jimp vox crwth." A crwth is a Welsh instrument.

What are A E I O and U?

They are the five "classic" vowels in English. Y is sometimes a consonant, and may be called a semi-vowel. In Welsh, W can also be a vowel (cwm, crwth).

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Sly lynx fly by my crwth. In many cases, people don't consider "y" a vowel. It is more of a sub-vowel. Crwth is a stringed musical instrument. The word comes from Welsh, in which "w" is considered a vowel (it makes an "oo" sound). However, it is one of the the few Welsh words with "w" as the only vowel that has made it into the Modern English language (along with crwths, cwm, and cwms). Hope this helps!

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In English, the letter "w" is typically considered a consonant. However, in certain cases, such as in some dialects or when acting as a vowel in words like "cwm" or "crwth," it can function as a vowel.

How often do you expect to pick an E during 100 trials?

You have to fully describe the sample from which you are picking. Specify exactly what letters you are including and how many of each letter there are in the sample. Are you including Y? Some might even suggest that W should be a choice, as in the word crwth.