

What are synonyms of impulsive?

Updated: 10/23/2022
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15y ago

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Rash (as in makes rash desicions)

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Q: What are synonyms of impulsive?
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For a reaction, synonyms could include automatic, reflexive, or instinctive. For a spontaneous person : impulsive, impetuous, or extemporaneous.

What is the comparative and superlative of impulsive?

more impulsive, most impulsive

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Madcap is an adjective which means impulsive or crazy. Other synonyms for madcap are rash, stupid, wild, foolhardy and foolish.

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When was Impulsive - song - created?

Impulsive - song - was created in 1990.

What are the short vowels in impulsive?

The short vowels in "impulsive" are the i and u.

Use impulsive in a child's sentence?

It is impulsive if you grab without asking first.

What is a a sentence with the word impulsive?

Her niece is not quite precocious; more like impulsive.

How do you write a sentence using the word impulsive?

The impulsive child went that-a-way.